本公告仅限 Swainsboro 校园和 Swainsboro faculty, 工作人员,
和学生. It is being sent to the entire 校园 community, regardless of location,
as we 我知道有些人往返于校园之类的地方.
为教职员工和学生 十大正规网投平台大学 校园和 乔治亚州南部
校园, you will follow any guidelines or decisions made by those respective 校园es
在接下来的日子里 – we ‘follow their lead,’ so to speak, when it comes to emergency
At this time, and after reviewing the latest information that is available, there
are no 计划 to change 校园 operations this week, close the 校园 in any way, or
I do believe we need to be fully prepared for wind and rain in the area, particularly
周五早上,这是一场严重的风暴. 我们鼓励大家注意安全
adhere to any 校园 safety announcements that 可能即将到来. 就像上次说的
month when Hurricane Ian was approaching, this website can also be helpful as we all
准备并协助您追踪风暴: 美国国家飓风中心.gov)
有关一般防风措施,请参阅: National Hurricane Preparedness | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
If any students feel that they need assistance 在接下来的日子里, please reach out
to our Christie Campus 健康 Support Line - 1-833-855-0079 - it is available 24/7.
我们的校园警察也将24小时待命. 如果你要旅行
any time late Thursday or Friday, please be aware of storm conditions and potentially
通过监测当地天气状况来应对交通拥堵. 把你的手机和
其他设备在停电时充电. 另外,请考虑关闭电源
Additional updates will be provided to the 校园 if anything significant changes
大卫L. 阿德诺博士,Ph值.D., M.B.A.
本公告仅限 Swainsboro 校园和 Swainsboro faculty, 工作人员, 和学生. It is being sent to the entire 校园 community, regardless of location, as we
为教职员工和学生 十大正规网投平台大学 校园和 乔治亚州南部 校园, you will follow any guidelines or decisions made by those respective 校园es
在接下来的日子里 – we ‘follow their lead,’ so to speak, when it comes to emergency management planning
After meeting with our Emergency Response Committee this morning, I have decided to
close the Swainsboro 校园 at 3:30pm tomorrow, Thursday, September 29th 并一直关闭到9月30日星期五th. Normal Swainsboro operations and classes can and should continue up to closing
time on Thursday and dining services will be open until 5:30pm Thursday evening.
餐厅 services will also be open from 10am-2pm on Friday. 对于留下来的学生
in the dorms through Thursday night and Friday, we will provide more updates to you
This is a serious storm approaching and a lot of wind and rain will impact our area.
我们鼓励大家注意安全 adhere to any 校园 safety announcements that
可能即将到来. As shared on Monday, this website can also be helpful as we all
准备: National Hurricane Preparedness | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
If any students feel that they need assistance 在接下来的日子里, please reach out
to our Christie Campus 健康 Support Line - 1-833-855-0079 - it is available 24/7.
我们的校园警察也将24小时待命. 如果你要旅行
any time from Thursday through Saturday, please be aware of storm conditions and potentially
heavier traffic due to coastal evacuations by monitoring 当地天气情况.
给你的手机和其他设备充电以防万一 停电的情况. 同时,请
我们计划在10月3日星期一恢复正常运营rd. Additional updates will be provided to the 校园 if anything significant changes
在接下来的一两天里. Please stay safe and let’s all look after each other, and
大卫L. 阿德诺博士,Ph值.D., M.B.A.
佐治亚南方大学将于下午1点关闭.m. 9月29日星期四和
转向十大正规网赌平台课程. Therefore, 十大正规网赌平台 classes occurring after
1:00 p.m. 是取消了.
上午8点到9点15分.m., 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.,晚上11点至12点15分.m. 课程仍然会
被扣留,但下午12:30 - 1:45.m. 上课及下课后将不举行.
欲知详情,请浏览 http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/alert/
At this time, we are awaiting updates from 十大正规网投平台大学 and will follow their